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Equal partnerships with local organizations

The Kenya Christian School For The Deaf sees local partner organizations, coordinated by the Strategic Partner Organizations, 

 Equipping parents and early childhood educators with child-friendly and effective resources specifically designed to accelerate learning for deaf children.(Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development approved)

Strategic Partner Organizations

Kenya Christin School For The Deaf collaborates with Southern partners on the basis of equal relationships. We put this into practice through partnerships in which the Liliane Foundation and its 30 Strategic Partner Organizations (SPOs) in 29 countries have different tasks, powers, and responsibilities. SPOs are owners of a national program on disability-inclusive development. They have the autonomy to make decisions for policy and program development and the responsibility to coordinate and build the capacity of the network of local partner organizations. Together with the SPOs, we are striving toward further development of network building among our partners. 

Partner organizations

Our local partner organizations (POs) are embedded in the communities. They understand the local context in which they operate and have focus on deaf children educational needs focusing on sign language acquisition challenges facing deaf children  in our society.

Contact us:

WhatsApp +254733544246

E-mail us @

P.O.Box 29321-00100 Nairobi

Nairobi-West Langata Rd, Nairobi-Kenya


Pick a phone and call: +254 202016563 

For support Link:

Cash or Cheques should be sent to: Kenya Christian School For The Deaf: A/C # 011485543725Swift Code: KCOOKENA

Bank Code: 11120 Branch Code: 120

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