Why is it that adults find it impossible to learn a new language, but babies can learn multiple languages effortlessly?
Why is it that a person good in sports, arts, or music, does not suddenly develop skills as an adult but carry their abilities throughout life?
Why is it that every person gets only a small window of opportunity as a baby to develop their abilities for life, and what should you do about it?carries

Award winning Innovation 2022.
Changing the narrative by introducing in the Learner Teacher Interactive board game assistive device that supports acquisition of sign language to deaf children aged 1-7 years old.
Word-Learning Abilities in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Preschoolers: Effect of Lexicon Size and Language Modality.
Deaf children of hearing (and nonsigning) parents are unique among all children in the world in that they cannot easily or naturally learn the language that their parents speak. These parents face tough choices. Should they seek a cochlear implant for their child? If so, should they also learn to sign? As pediatricians, we need to help parents understand the risks and benefits of different approaches to parent–child communication when the child is deaf.
KCSD offers scholarship education opportunities for vulnerable children with hearing impairement and the less-fortunate children/young people in the society. We source funds from well-wishers to help us sponsor child education. Most kids we admit are total orphans of which most families they live wich can hardly afford one meal. The deaf seated next to her mother with bare feet in their hut/house with no chairs to sit on but a wooden frame seat. Most children brought to the centre are living in abject poverty.

Equipping deaf girls with employability skills
A seasoned, proven special needs educator, administrator and leader, Dr. Charles brings to his innovation skills and experience built in both traditional and non-traditional settings. He was previously education coordinator of programs for the World Opportunities International. He also held leadership roles in the education sector, dept. of special needs , and currently at Kenya Christian School For The Deaf director has passion for deaf and hard of hearing children .

Community workshop organized to sensitize parents, community and the stakeholders on disability challenges on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) HIV/AIDS pandemic stigmatization and to increase knowledge among the communities in how to identify and develop individual potentials especially for the young in a bid to reduce on redundancy which expose youth to risky behaviors and hence HIV transmission
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) can be seen as a determining factor in one’s well-being and as an essential part of human rights. Although the topic receives a lot of attention nowadays, the sexual needs and desires of people with a disability are rarely addressed. Due to misunderstandings and social prejudices, they are excluded from information and they often don't have access to SRHR related services and care, leaving them amongst the most marginalized groups when it comes to SRHR.
Information, respect, and safety
Within the Kenya Christian School for The Deaf, we believe that everyone - including hearing impaired persons should be able to make informed decisions about their own body, sex, and sexuality and that these choices should be respected. Even more so, as people with a disability are more vulnerable to gender-based violence, sexual abuse and other harmful practices due to their lack of knowledge. It is therefore important that they receive quality information and have access to youth-friendly services where they are treated with respect.
Empowering children and enabling an environment
Our core strategy is Child Empowerment. Child Empowerment means increasing the child’s personal, social, educational and economic strengths. The strategy consists of two elements: the development of children (Child Development) and the accessibility of their environment (Enabling Environment).
Child Development
With Child Development we address the child’s impairment, improve their functioning and make children resilient and self-aware. We make it easier for them to participate and to stand up for themselves. The parents or guardians play a key role.
Enabling Environment
Through Enabling Environment we reduce the barriers that hinder the participation of children with a disability in society. The (social) infrastructure, communications, attitude and behavior of other people and the policies of the (local) government are all taken into consideration.
Community-Based Rehabilitation
A core aspect of our strategy is Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR). CBR involves working closely with persons with disabilities, their families, service providers, local government and other relevant stakeholders to remove barriers that result in the exclusion of persons with disabilities from participation in community life.
The programme supported in a country by the Liliane Foundation focuses on a number of themes. These topics correspond to the focal areas within Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR): Health, Education, Livelihood, Social participation, and Empowerment.
The themes we focus on are:
Health: improving the physical capabilities of children and their access to services and facilities
Education: cognitive development of children and their equal access to schools, daycare, learning and curriculum materials
Social contacts: developing children with disabilities’ personality, self-esteem, quality of life and their standing in the community
Work and Income: support to young people with disabilities to obtain work and income, and economic strengthening of families with children who need permanent care